“餐桌礼仪”是一门很深刻的学问,它体现了我国传统儒家文化的传承、传播和精髓,比如,“尊老爱幼”,“长幼有序”。华媒唯诗礼幼儿园将“品西餐 学礼仪”活动融入幼儿园日常课程,帮助唯诗礼宝贝们逐渐习得良好的餐桌礼仪,并懂得“节约粮食、文明用餐、感恩万物”,真正成为“具有责任担当和国际视野的二十一世纪小公民”。

Table manners are the rules of etiquette used while eating, which embody the traditional Confucian culture of China, such as “respect the elders and cherish the young” or “children respect their elders”. The activity of “Tasting Western Food, Learning Table Manners” was held by Hua Mei Wesley School. We integrate it into kindergarten’s daily routines, aiming to help children learn the basic rules of etiquette, know about saving food, dining in a civilized way and being thankful, and finally cultivate them to become “a young citizen with the sense of responsibility and international perspective in the 21st century ”.


First of all, the teacher talked about the importance of respect. Children were encouraged to invite elders, parents and teachers to take the seat first. Later, the teacher showed the rules of etiquette used while eating and the use of utensils following by the practice with children together.



Children folded the napkin and placed it on the lap. We also practiced to take the corner to dab our mouth. The teacher said that during the meal, we could use the bathroom before putting the napkin on the chair; however, when the meal is finished, the napkin would be placed unfolded on the table.



The fork was held with the left hand and the knife held with the right. The fork balanced on the side of the index finger, held in place with the thumb and index finger. Waiting for the meal, we put the fork and knife on an angle on the plate. When we have finished eating, place the utensils on parallel on the side of the plate.



Children from K2A are holding the glasses.



We tore the bread off and put it into the mouth. The butter knife would be used to spread the butter on to the bread.


The food included bread with butter, mushroom soup, roast chicken, baby corn, lettuce and orange juice. Each child enjoyed the meal very much and had a toast together. During the whole activity, children remembered the rules very well and behaved elegantly.


In the future, in order to promote children’s development, Hua Mei Wesley School will take the implementation of “learning table manners, knowing traditional culture, and broadening the international horizon” and incorporate Chinese traditional culture and the cultures of the world, integrating it into daily curriculum.