The Asian Games closed perfectly, the sportsmen and women left unforgettable footprints in Hangzhou, and the children of Hangzhou saw the world at their doorstep. It has always been the belief of Wesley that it is possible for a child to be seen by the world by first letting them see the world. Now, the children are about to take their first steps in making their voices heard in the world.

Recently, why did so many kids from Hua mei Wesley school recording this video? Oh, they are busy to prepare for the”hello, new voice”Small Host Competition.
The kindergarten regularly organizes a variety of interesting and enriching activities and small hosts are needed, the top 10 kids of this competition will facilitator at various kindergarten events during the school year.
After the audition, a group of children were finally shortlisted. The professional teachers from Chaotongxing and KFWP were invited to gave the children basic body training and practised the catwalk. After serious training, the children really walk and stand more like a professional little host!
终于到了10.27日决赛这天啦!台上有中英双语主持人,台下有家委会副主席、特邀嘉宾、 IB协调员外教和亲爱的园长妈妈做评委,更有参赛小选手们的家长和老师。大家一起来见证孩子们的成长,为他们发出的新声音而呐喊欢呼。
10.27, it was the final day! There were bilingual hosts on the stage, with the Vice-Chairman of the Parents’ Committee, special guests, the IB Coordinator’s foreign teachers and our dear Alison as the judges, with the teachers and parents of little contestants, together they will cheer for the new voice and witness the children’s growth.
In addition to the runway show, there are also bilingual self-introductions, talent demonstrations, and Q&A sessions, which all-around develops and examines the various skills of the young presenters.

First of all, take a look at the professionally coached young presenter’s runway show! Confident, generous, that’s our pace.
The self-presentation session examined the stage presence and diction of the young presenters. Many of the children were able to present themselves fluently in English, thanks to the strong bilingual environment and the close co-operation of their parents.
Check out the talents of our young presenters! English presentation, singing, dancing …… There was thunderous applause. The children of Wesley are really multi-talented!
What should we do when we encounter an unexpected situation on stage? This is where the host’s on-the-spot reactions and improvisation come into play. For this reason, the “Hello, New Voice” Young Presenter Programme has set up a question and answer session to test the young presenters’ ability to do this.
Q: How will you spend 100 yuan?
A: I’ll buy a bottle of soy sauce because I found that we are running out of soy sauce at home.
Q:Which child in your class do you like to play with the most? Why?
A:I like Kai best! Because he is so handsome!
Well, well. Aren’t our little hosts great?! Honest is the best policy.

经过长期的准备和选拔,不论结果如何,相信小朋友的能力和综合素质都得到了提升。经过本次选拔,最终有十名小朋友入围top10, 接下来的大小活动中,我们就会看到这些小主持人的风采啦!
After a long period of preparation and selection, no matter what the result is, I believe that the children’s ability and overall quality have been improved! After the selection process, ten children were shortlisted for the top 10,and we will see these little hosts and we will see these little hosts in the activities from now on.
Wesley set the stage for us today and we’ll go from here to bigger and better things. Let’s look forward to next year’s Host Competition!