岁月如歌,伴随着冬日里温暖的阳光, 告别了不平凡的辛丑牛年,我们即将迎来虎虎生威的壬寅年。今天,让我们一起相聚云端,不亦乐“虎”!看,一行行五线谱,好似五彩的飘带装扮着美好的幼儿园生活,听,一个个音符就像美丽的彩灯闪烁着熠熠的光辉。华媒唯诗礼“虎娃闹春,乐嗨无限”新年音乐会于2022年1月7日在幼儿园多功能厅圆满举办。多种艺术形式的呈现,每一个孩子的自信展示,给2022的虎年带来了喜庆与欢乐的气息!
Years are like a song, accompanied by the warm sunshine in winter. Farewell to the extraordinary year of the Ox.We have ushered in a new year of the Tiger. Today,let’s get together and enjoy the “baby tiger concert”.Look, the lines of the stave, like multicolored streamers, dress up the beautiful kindergarten. Listen, each note is like a beautiful lantern shining brightly. SC Wesley New Year’s concert “Tiger Babies in Spring, Unlimited Joy” was successfully held on January 7, 2022 in the kindergarten. The presentation of various art forms and the self-confidence of each child brought a festive atmosphere to the Year of the Tiger.

The first show was the enthusiastic dance brought by our charismatic foreign teachers, what they brought was an enthusiastic animal carnival dance,which attracted bursts of applause from the children in the audience.

汽车的轮子转呀转,转来了金虎送喜。看,Prek A的小萌娃来啦,看~他们在公交车上表演一首好听的歌曲《Wheels on the bus》,新的一年PREKA全体大小朋友祝大家虎年吉祥,可可爱爱。
The wheels of the bus turned and turned, and the golden tiger came to send congratulations. Prek A’s little cute babies performed a nice song “Wheels on the bus”.In the new year, all PreK A friends, big and small, wish everyone an auspicious and lovely Year of the Tiger.

What kind of beautiful stories will a group of little tigers, kittens and little flowers in the forest bring to you in “Tiger Apprenticeship”?Here, the children and teachers of K2B wish all the big babies and little babies a prosperous year of the tiger, peace and happiness, and all the best.

《A RAM SAM SAM 》独特的音乐魅力与时尚结合,你们见过奥尔夫音乐和走秀结合在一起会碰撞出什么火花吗?K1D的小朋友们给我们带来了《A RAM SAM SAM 》+model show。
The unique musical charm of “A RAM SAM SAM” is combined with a fashion show. Have you seen any sparks when Or ff music and catwalks are combined? The kids of K1D brought us the A RAM SAM SAM model show

“Fortune is Coming” The K2A class children brought you “Fortune is Coming”, with a handsome drum as the opening, the drum bursts opened a wonderful picture! One by one, the golden boys and the jade girls are holding the character of blessing, and they come to send blessings to everyone! In the new year, they wish everyone a year of peace, good luck, prosperity, wealth, and gold and jade!

咦!新年的音乐会怎么来了一群可爱的玩具宝宝们?瞧,这是我的小 公 主玩具,这是我的巴斯光年,还有大大的恐龙先生。原来玩具宝宝们也要举办新年音乐会啦!请跟着K1B宝贝们一起嗨起来吧!祝大家新年快乐哦!
“New Year’s Toy Story” Hey! Why did a group of cute toy babies come to the New Year’s concert? Look, here’s my little lord toy, here’s my Buzz Light year, and the big Mr. Dinosaur. It turns out that the toy babies are also holding a New Year’s concert! Please follow the K1B babies to have a good time! Happy New Year everyone!

有三只小猪,他们也遇到了大灰狼,还好他们躲进了自己的房子,分别是草房、木板房和砖房,如果你是大灰狼,你会先去哪个房子呢?快来欣赏K1A宝贝们的精彩表现。 The Three Little Pigs. There are three little pigs, and they also encountered the big bad wolf. Fortunately, they hid in their own houses, which are thatched houses, wooden houses and brick houses. If you are a big grey wolf, which house will you go to first? Come and enjoy the wonderful performance of K1A’s babies.

On the occasion of the new year, a dance”OH” instantly ignited the atmosphere of the scene. The vitality of the teachers infected the children under the stage, and the children could still be vaguely heard shouting proudly, This is my teacher! The blessings of the teachers made the children full of yearning and longing for the new year.

The beautiful poems of the poet Schiller resonated with the desire of the musician Beethoven for equality and freedom, which is the cry of the people of the world. With the joy of welcoming the new year, the four children of K2 happily played the world-renowned classic song “Ode to Joy”, wishing world peace!
The four children of k2 played “Cat Looking for Mother” in a playful and slightly anxious mood, hoping to cheer Xiao Hua Mao through the power of music and make it less afraid. The naughty little tabby cat got separated from its mother. It was wagging its tail and swaying its little paws, looking for its mother while playing on the road.

“Baby of the Tiger” K1C’s Year of the Tiger dance shows the wishes of the children: :The Year of the Tiger will be lucky, and the Year of the Tiger will show its posture, such as the tiger coming out of the mountain, and the tiger will be powerful.

Painting with sand is a unique art. In “Snail Diary”, K3A babies have brought us interesting and unique sand painting works. Let’s experience the charm of sand painting together!

k2c班的小朋友们给大家带来了一场精彩的情景剧与戏剧表演,一辆驶往Wesley 的巴士,小朋友们扮演成了司机和乘客,路上发生了一系列有趣的故事,来到Wesley 后为大家带来了京剧脸谱表演,一张张脸谱的呈现真的是“美极了,妙极了,简直ok顶呱呱”。
The children of K2C class brought you a wonderful comedy and drama performance, “Journey to Wesley” . On a bus heading for Wesley, the children acted as drivers and passengers. A series of interesting events happened on the road. After coming to Wesley, they brought you a Beijing Opera mask performance, and the presentation of each mask was really “beautiful, wonderful, just ok.”

Did “Let it go” let you feel the magic power of K3A in this day of saying goodbye to the old and welcoming the new? I hope that in the new year, everyone can be as happy as a fairy tale!

惟愿和顺致祥,让我们相约新年! The wonderful time is always short, and the concert is going to an end, but the children’s self-confidence on the stage will never end!
In 2021, we overcame obstacles, moved forward with hard work and determination;
In 2022, we will continue to work hard to create more splendor.
In the new year, may the mountains and rivers be splendid, the country be prosperous and the people safe, and let us meet in the New Year!