Our school was decorated for the holiday season, and everyone could sense the peacefulness and excitement in the air. The colors red, green, and gold adorn the walls and rooms leading everyone to feel warm and content on this cold, rainy winter’s morning. Inside Wesley school, all the children are happy!

Teacher Adrian and Teacher 裘裘 dressed up as characters from “Alice in Wonderland” and introduced the children to the winter festival.
早上10点整,裘裘老师和Teacher Adrian变身成公主和王子,带领全园的小朋友们开始了今天的Party!

All of the children were able to enjoy a beautiful song and dance. Based on the story “Alice in Wonderland”, bunnies and other adorable animals danced – much to the children’s delight.

Teacher Sam was able to show the children a very famous movie clip that every child in America watches during cold winters. “Frosty the Snowman” came to life and lead children down the street while singing a song. The children are certainly wishing they could build a snowman today!
Teacher Sam给小朋友带来了一个暖冬小视频,这是一个堆雪人的小故事,在这个冬天,也许不一定会下雪,可是看完了这个小故事,相信每个小朋友心里肯定都住上了一个温暖的小雪人了!

All the foreign teachers were able to read a poem about winter time. It was called “At the Solstice” by Shaun O’Brien.
外教老师们也将他们的爱送给每一位小朋友,带来了温馨的诗朗诵——《foreign teachers poem》!

After our winter celebration, it was time for the December birthday children’s party to begin. They watched a video of their relatives wishing them a very happy birthday, which brought smiles to everyone’s face. Principal Lousie personally gave each student their birthday present and wished them all the best.

Spreading happiness on cold winter days can be as simple as wishing someone happy holidays, smiling at them, giving them a hug, or simply saying thank you. Because of all the lovely children at Wesley, the efforts of all of the teachers, and the trust and support of every parent, Wesley’s third winter was extra special. Let’s live each day with love in our hearts as we welcome the new year – 2020!